Authentication is the process of verifying an identity. Aphiria's authentication library allows for full customization to suit your application's needs. At a high level, authentication uses named schemes to authenticate principals. Each scheme gets a handler that actually performs the authentication logic, along with options for things like cookie names and lifetimes, login page paths to redirect to on authentication failure, etc.
You can enforce authentication either through attributes on a controller or a specific controller method:
use Aphiria\Api\Controllers\Controller;
use Aphiria\Authentication\Attributes\Authenticate;
final class UserController extends Controller
// ...
or by composing IAuthenticator
in your controllers:
use Aphiria\Api\Controllers\Controller;
use Aphiria\Authentication\IAuthenticator;
use Aphiria\Net\Http\IResponse;
use Aphiria\Routing\Attributes\Get;
final class UserController extends Controller
public function __construct(private IAuthenticator $authenticator) {}
public function getUserById(int $id): User|IResponse
$authenticationResult = $this->authenticator->authenticate($this->request);
if (!$authenticationResult->passed) {
return $this->unauthorized();
// ...
The #[Authenticate]
attribute can also take in a scheme name or list of scheme names parameter if you wish to use a specific scheme:
#[Authenticate(schemeNames: ['cookie', 'bearer'])]
final class UserController extends Controller
// ...
Note: Authentication will only fail if all authentication scheme names fail to authenticate. When this happens,
will be called for each scheme. If authentication passes for any scheme, the principal's identities will be merged with all other successfully authenticated schemes.
Likewise, you can specify a scheme to authenticate against in IAuthenticator::authenticate()
$authenticationResult = $this->authenticator->authenticate($this->request, schemeNames: 'cookie');
Note: Not specifying a scheme name will cause authentication to use the default scheme. Also, identical to using the attribute for authentication, if you make multiple calls to
but with different scheme names, the principal returned in the result will contain all authenticated identities merged together.
We'll go into more details about how to customize responses when authentication does not pass below.
Before we go too far into authentication, let's first go over some terminology. A principal is the thing, usually a user or system process, that interacts with your application. You can authenticate a principal and authorize actions performed by it. A principal contains one or more identities, each of which may contain claims.
Example: Let's say you're going to the airport to board a flight. You, the principal, will be asked to prove you are who you claim to be, which you'll do with your passport - an identity that contains claims about your citizenship, name, and date of birth. At security, you'll be asked to re-prove your identity with your passport, and also be asked to prove that you have a ticket - another identity that contains claims about your name, your flight number, and assigned seat. Airport security will authenticate your passport and ticket, and verify that you're authorized to board the flight.
It should be noted that, in Aphiria, a principal is a generic representation of a user, and is solely meant for authentication and authorization. Your application will likely have its own abstractions for users, and those abstractions' data can be used to populate identities and claims of a principal. We'll also use the terms "user" and "principal" interchangeably from here on out.
To create a principal, you first create its claims for its identities. A claim is a statement about an identity, eg email, date of birth, roles, etc. Let's look at an example:
use Aphiria\Security\{Claim, ClaimType, Identity, User};
// Claims data is usually stored in a database
$claimsIssuer = '';
// Claim types may either be ClaimType enum values or your own custom strings
$claims = [
// This claim stores the user's ID
new Claim(ClaimType::NameIdentifier, 123, $claimsIssuer),
// This claim stores the user's name
new Claim(ClaimType::Name, 'Dave', $claimsIssuer),
// This claim stores the user's roles
new Claim(ClaimType::Role, 'admin', $claimsIssuer)
// You can also pass in an array of identities
$user = new User(new Identity($claims));
Note: You can have multiple claims of the same type in one identity. For example, you might have multiple roles for a user, each of which would have its own distinct claim.
contains some useful methods for aggregating claims made by all its identities:
$allClaims = $user->claims;
$allRoleClaims = $user->filterClaims(ClaimType::Role);
// Check that not only do they have a role claim type, but that its value is "admin"
if ($user->hasClaim(ClaimType::Role, 'admin')) {
// ...
// Add another identity
$identity = new Identity([new Claim(ClaimType::Email, '', '')]);
You can also loop through all the user's identities and query them directly:
foreach ($user->identities as $identity) {
$allClaims = $identity->claims;
$allRoleClaims = $identity->filterClaims(ClaimType::Role);
if ($identity->hasClaim(ClaimType::Role, 'admin')) {
// ...
// A convenience method for grabbing this identity's username
$username = $identity->name;
// Another convenience method for grabbing this identity's ID
$id = $identity->nameIdentifier;
You'll frequently find yourself dealing with a user's primary identity when checking claims. Grabbing it is easy.
$primaryIdentity = $user->primaryIdentity;
By default, this is the first identity added to the user, but it can be customized with a callback to determine the primary identity.
// This will make the last added identity the primary one
$primaryIdentitySelector = fn(array $identities): ?IIdentity => $identities[\count($identities) - 1] ?? null;
$user = new User($claims, $primaryIdentitySelector);
$userId = $user->primaryIdentity?->nameIdentifier;
Typically, the process of authentication will create the principal and store it, usually as a request property.
Aphiria provides a fluent builder syntax for principals and identities. For example, the code in the claims documentation can be simplified to:
use Aphiria\Security\PrincipalBuilder;
$user = new PrincipalBuilder('')
This will build a primary identity with the specified claims. The following fluent methods are available to build your identities in Principal
withActor(string $value, ?string $issuer)
withAuthenticationSchemeName(string $authenticationSchemeName)
- This must be set for the claims to be considered authenticated
withClaims(Claim|Claim[] $claims)
withCountry(string $value, ?string $issuer)
withDateOfBirth(DateTimeInterface $value, ?string $issuer)
withDns(string $value, ?string $issuer)
withEmail(string $value, ?string $issuer)
withGender(string $value, ?string $issuer)
withGivenName(string $value, ?string $issuer)
withHomePhone(string $value, ?string $issuer)
withLocality(string $value, ?string $issuer)
withMobilePhone(string $value, ?string $issuer)
withName(string $value, ?string $issuer)
withNameIdentifier(mixed $value, ?string $issuer)
withOtherPhone(string $value, ?string $issuer)
withPostalCode(string|int $value, ?string $issuer)
withRoles(string|string[] $value, ?string $issuer)
- If you specify multiple roles, a unique claim for each role will be created with claim type
- If you specify multiple roles, a unique claim for each role will be created with claim type
withRsa(string $value, ?string $issuer)
withSid(string $value, ?string $issuer)
withStateOrProvince(string $value, ?string $issuer)
withStreetAddress(string $value, ?string $issuer)
withSurname(string $value, ?string $issuer)
withThumbprint(string $value, ?string $issuer)
withUpn(string $value, ?string $issuer)
withUri(string $value, ?string $issuer)
withX500DistinguishedName(string $value, ?string $issuer)
Note: If you pass in an issuer into any of the above methods, it will supersede the default claims issuer set in the
constructor. An issuer must be set either inPrincipalBuilder::__construct()
or in the claim builder methods above.
If you want to build multiple identities for your principal, you can.
use Aphiria\Security\IdentityBuilder;
use Aphiria\Security\PrincipalBuilder;
$user = new PrincipalBuilder('')
->withIdentity(function (IdentityBuilder $identity) {
->withIdentity(function (IdentityBuilder $identity) {
provides the same fluent methods as PrincipalBuilder
You can also specify a primary identity selector via PrincipalBuilder::withPrimaryIdentitySelector()
and passing in a Closure
like the example above.
Authentication Schemes
Now that we've clarified some terminology, let's dive into authentication schemes. An authentication scheme defines a particular way of authenticating an identity, eg basic authentication. Each scheme has a name, the name of its handler class, and options. Handlers implement IAuthenticationSchemeHandler
, which provides several methods:
authenticate(IRequest $request, AuthenticationScheme $scheme): AuthenticationResult
- Attempts to authenticate credentials passed via an HTTP request and create a principal
challenge(IRequest $request, IResponse $response, AuthenitcationScheme $scheme): void
- In the case that authentication fails, this is called to decorate the response to let the user know they could not successfully be authenticated, eg by redirecting to a login page or setting the status code to 401
forbid(IRequest $request, IResponse $response, AuthenitcationScheme $scheme): void
- In the case that an authenticated user attempted to access a resource they do not have permission to access, this is called to decorate the response to let them know their request was forbidden, eg by redirecting to the forbidden page or setting the status code to 403
Logging in involves passing data along in subsequent requests to help the application authenticate a user. If you can log in with a particular scheme, its handler should implement ILoginAuthenticationSchemeHandler
, which defines two additional methods:
logIn(IPrincipal $user, IRequest $request, IResponse $response, AuthenticationScheme $scheme): void
- Logs a user in and decorates the response with data, eg a cookie, to keep a user logged in for subsequent requests.
should be called prior tologIn()
to make sure the credentials were valid.
- Logs a user in and decorates the response with data, eg a cookie, to keep a user logged in for subsequent requests.
logOut(IRequest $request, IResponse $response, AuthenticationScheme $scheme): void
- Logs a user out and decorates the response to remove any data that was used to keep a user logged in
We'll go into more detail on how to register an authentication scheme in the example below.
Default Scheme
You can register a scheme to be your application's default. This means that any authentication that does not use a specific scheme will fall back to using the default one.
You can use a component to register a default scheme:
use Aphiria\Application\IApplicationBuilder;
use Aphiria\Authentication\AuthenticationScheme;
use Aphiria\Framework\Application\AphiriaModule;
final class GlobalModule extends AphiriaModule
public function configure(IApplicationBuilder $appBuilder): void
new AuthenticationScheme('cookie', MyCookieHandler::class),
You can use AuthenticationBuilder::withScheme()
to register a default scheme:
use Aphiria\Authentication\AuthenticationScheme;
use Aphiria\Authentication\AuthenticatorBuilder;
$authenticator = new AuthenticatorBuilder()
// ...
->withScheme(new AuthenticationScheme('cookie', MyCookieHandler::class), true)
All scheme handlers accept a derived class of AuthenticationSchemeOptions
to help you configure your authentication. By default, options contain a claims issuer property to help populate your claims, but you may extend AuthenticationSchemeOptions
and add any additional configurable properties you may need, eg cookie names, lifetimes, paths, domains, login page paths, and forbidden page paths. We'll go into some examples below.
Basic Authentication
Basic authentication uses the Authorize
request header with a base64-encoded username:password
value. Aphiria provides the base class BasicAuthenticationHandler
with one abstract method createAuthenticationResultFromCredentials()
for you to implement. BasicAuthenticationHandler
uses BasicAuthenticationOptions
to configure the realm that authentication is valid in.
Let's look at an example concrete implementation of this handler:
use Aphiria\Authentication\{AuthenticationResult, AuthenticationScheme};
use Aphiria\Authentication\Schemes\BasicAuthenticationHandler;
use Aphiria\Net\Http\Request;
use Aphiria\Security\{Claim, ClaimType, Identity, User};
use PDO;
final class SqlBasicAuthenticationHandler extends BasicAuthenticationHandler
public function __construct(private PDO $pdo) {}
protected function createAuthenticationResultFromCredentials(
string $username,
string $password,
IRequest $request,
AuthenticationScheme $scheme
): AuthenticationResult {
$sql = <<<SQL
SELECT id, email, hashed_password, array_to_json(roles) AS roles FROM users
WHERE LOWER(email) = :email
$statement = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);
$statement->execute(['email' => \strtolower(\trim($username))]);
$row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (
$statement->rowCount() !== 1
|| !\password_verify($password, $row['hashed_password'])
) {
return AuthenticationResult::fail('Invalid credentials', $scheme->name);
$claimsIssuer = $scheme->options->claimsIssuer ?? $scheme->name;
$claims = [
new Claim(ClaimType::NameIdentifier, $row['id'], $claimsIssuer),
new Claim(ClaimType::Name, $row['email'], $claimsIssuer)
foreach (\json_decode($row['roles']) as $role) {
$claims[] = new Claim(ClaimType::Role, $role, $claimsIssuer);
$user = new User(new Identity($claims, $scheme->name));
return AuthenticationResult::pass($user, $scheme->name);
Let's register this scheme with the authenticator with a component:
use Aphiria\Application\IApplicationBuilder;
use Aphiria\Authentication\AuthenticationScheme;
use Aphiria\Framework\Application\AphiriaModule;
final class GlobalModule extends AphiriaModule
public function configure(IApplicationBuilder $appBuilder): void
new AuthenticationScheme(
new BasicAuthenticationOptions(realm: '', claimsIssuer: '')
Let's register this scheme with AuthenticationBuilder
use Aphiria\Authentication\AuthenticationScheme;
use Aphiria\Authentication\AuthenticatorBuilder;
use Aphiria\Authentication\Schemes\BasicAuthenticationOptions;
$authenticator = new AuthenticatorBuilder()
// ...
->withScheme(new AuthenticationScheme(
new BasicAuthenticationOptions(realm: '', claimsIssuer: '')
Cookie Authentication
In the case that you are using cookie values to authenticate, you can extend CookieAuthenticationHandler
and define the methods createAuthenticationResultFromCookie()
and createCookieValueForUser()
to create an authentication result from a cookie value and to create the cookie value that will be used to authenticate in subsequent requests, respectively. This handler uses CookieAuthenticationOptions
to give you control over your cookies.
We won't go over how extend CookieAuthenticationHandler
because it is very similar to the example above, but here is how we would register our implementation:
use Aphiria\Application\IApplicationBuilder;
use Aphiria\Authentication\AuthenticationScheme;
use Aphiria\Authentication\Schemes\CookieAuthenticationOptions;
use Aphiria\Framework\Application\AphiriaModule;
final class GlobalModule extends AphiriaModule
public function configure(IApplicationBuilder $appBuilder): void
new AuthenticationScheme(
new CookieAuthenticationOptions(
cookieName: 'authToken',
cookieMaxAge: 360,
cookiePath: '/',
cookieDomain: '',
cookieIsSecure: true,
cookieIsHttpOnly: true,
cookieSameSite: SameSiteMode::Strict,
loginPagePath: '/login',
forbiddenPagePath: '/access-denied',
claimsIssuer: ''
use Aphiria\Authentication\AuthenticationScheme;
use Aphiria\Authentication\AuthenticatorBuilder;
use Aphiria\Authentication\Schemes\CookieAuthenticationOptions;
use Aphiria\Net\Http\Headers\SameSiteMode;
$authenticator = new AuthenticatorBuilder()
// ...
->withScheme(new AuthenticationScheme(
new CookieAuthenticationOptions(
cookieName: 'authToken',
cookieMaxAge: 360,
cookiePath: '/',
cookieDomain: '',
cookieIsSecure: true,
cookieIsHttpOnly: true,
cookieSameSite: SameSiteMode::Strict,
loginPagePath: '/login',
forbiddenPagePath: '/access-denied',
claimsIssuer: ''
Now, whenever we use our cookie
scheme, cookies will be set using the above options, and redirects on challenges and forbidden requests will forward to the appropriate paths.
Authentication Results
An AuthenticationResult
is returned when authenticating. To indicate successful authentication, simply call
use Aphiria\Authentication\AuthenticationResult;
// $user is the authenticated principal
$result = AuthenticationResult::pass($user, $scheme->name);
Likewise, you can indicate a failure by calling
$result = AuthenticationResult::fail('Invalid credentials', $scheme->name);
// Or pass in an exception instead
$result = AuthenticationResult::fail(new InvalidCredentialException(), $scheme->name);
You can grab info about the result:
if (!$result->passed) {
throw $result->failure;
$user = $result->user;
Customizing Authentication Failure Responses
By default, when authentication in the Authenticate
middleware fails, challenge()
will be called on the same scheme handler that we attempted to authenticate with. Most handlers' challenge()
methods will set the status code to 401 or redirect you to the login page, depending on the implementation. If you'd like to customize this, you can extend Authenticate
and override handleFailedAuthenticationResult()
to return a response.
User Accessors
Once you have authenticated a principal using the Authenticate
middleware, you can store and retrieve that principal for the duration of the request using IUserAccessor
. By default, RequestPropertyUserAccessor
will be used to store the principal as a custom property on the request. If you need to access the principal in your controller, simply call $this->user
use Aphiria\Api\Controllers\Controller;
use Aphiria\Authentication\Attributes\Authenticate;
use Aphiria\Routing\Attributes\Delete;
final class BookController extends Controller
public function deleteBook(int $id): void
$user = $this->user;
// ...
Mocking Authentication
You can learn how to mock authentication in your tests here.