HTTP Responses


Responses are HTTP messages that are sent by servers back to the client. They contain data like the status code, headers, and body.

use Aphiria\Net\Http\Headers; use Aphiria\Net\Http\HttpStatusCode; use Aphiria\Net\Http\Response; use Aphiria\Net\Http\StringBody; $response = new Response( HttpStatusCode::Ok, // Can also use an int new Headers(), new StringBody('foo') ); // Get the status code as an HttpStatusCode enum $response->statusCode; // Set the status code (can also use an int) $response->statusCode = HttpStatusCode::InternalServerError; // Get the reason phrase $response->reasonPhrase; // "OK" // Get the protocol version $response->protocolVersion; // 1.1 // Get the headers (you can add new headers to the returned hash table) $response->headers; // Set a header $response->headers->add('Foo', 'bar'); // Get the body (could be null) $response->body; // Set the body $response->body = new StringBody('foo');

JSON Responses

Aphiria provides an easy way to create common responses. For example, to create a JSON response, use ResponseFormatter:

use Aphiria\Net\Http\Formatting\ResponseFormatter; use Aphiria\Net\Http\Response; $response = new Response(); new ResponseFormatter()->writeJson($response, ['foo' => 'bar']);

This will set the contents of the response, as well as the appropriate Content-Type headers.

Redirect Responses

You can also create a redirect response:

use Aphiria\Net\Http\Formatting\ResponseFormatter; use Aphiria\Net\Http\Response; $response = new Response(); new ResponseFormatter()->redirectToUri($response, '');

Setting Cookies

Cookies are headers that are automatically appended to each request from the client to the server. To set one, use ResponseFormatter:

use Aphiria\Net\Http\Formatting\ResponseFormatter; use Aphiria\Net\Http\Headers\{Cookie, SameSiteMode}; new ResponseFormatter()->setCookie( $response, new Cookie( name: 'token', value: 'abc123', maxAge: 3600, path: '/', domain: '', isSecure: true, // Defaults to false isHttpOnly: true, // Defaults to true sameSite: SameSiteMode::Lax // Defaults to lax ) );

Use ResponseFormatter::setCookies() to set multiple cookies at once.

Deleting Cookies

To delete a cookie on the client, call

use Aphiria\Net\Http\Formatting\ResponseFormatter; new ResponseFormatter()->deleteCookie($response, 'userid');

Writing Responses

Once you're ready to start sending the response back to the client, you can use StreamResponseWriter:

use Aphiria\Net\Http\StreamResponseWriter; new StreamResponseWriter()->writeResponse($response);

By default, this will write the response to the php://output stream. You can override the stream it writes to via the constructor:

use Aphiria\IO\Streams\Stream; use Aphiria\Net\Http\StreamResponseWriter; $outputStream = new Stream(fopen('path/to/output', 'wb')); new StreamResponseWriter($outputStream)->writeResponse($response);

Serializing Responses

Aphiria can serialize responses per RFC 7230:

echo (string)$response;